Finally here!

My favorite Dutch girls

Pink taxi!!

Bought a vintage lee denim jacket and cool sunglasses.

I can't live in a suitcase.

Big benbenben

Westminster abbey

Changing of the guards at buckingham.

My favorite Norwegian. Well, one of my favorites.

I actually bought the yellow raincoat.

Kings Kross! Sat just by platform 9 3/4

Train ticket

We missed our train in Doncaster. Had to wait for a while.


My lovely room

The cat who acts like a dog

Some pictures of bridlington

Some pictures from my first days. I will write more of the days in London and my first days in driffield tomorrow or the day after that. Loving it here!

Some pictures from my first days. I will write more of the days in London and my first days in driffield tomorrow or the day after that. Loving it here!