Today have just been a chill day. I was about to hang out with Emily, Emily, Britt and Bente. But I just felt for a chill day at home, because I haven't had one yet. So I've just been practicing the guitar, eating bananas and watched TV-shows. When Dawn came home, we just started making dinner because we were both really hungry. Then Natalie came in, she scared me to death. We talked a bit, she was with us when we ate. After dinner we went to Tesco's, I bought biscuits! Now I've eaten too many, so I feel sick. But I have my tea and water. Tomorrow isn't really planned. I think I'm going to the café, because Dawn missed me today. Then maybe I will just walk around a bit.
Nothing else has really happend for the past 24 hours. Not that eventful.
It's been a really good day today. Firstly I woke up, cleaned my room and went to the coffee shop. Went to buy a guitar, ate some lunch. Then Emily and Emily came. We went to a little river/pond and fed some ducks. I hate birds. We went to another river and just sat and talked for ages. They're two of my favorite Emily's. Then I went back home, I didn't have time to get through the door before my hostmother said that we were going to the beach because the weather was amazing. But first we went to John and Linda's. So the whole thing ended up with that all of us went to Bridlington for some dinner. Sarah was with us, so I hung out with her for a bit. We are having drama together, so that will be nice to know someone there. We went back to their house. Had a coffee, got some chords for the guitar and John tuned it as well. So I guess I will in for the whole day tomorrow, practicing.
Now we are back home, I think I'm going to bed soon. Don't really have anything planned for tomorrow, maybe I'll go to the gym.
I have some other pictures when we fed the ducks. I'll get them when my phone is charged.
Today was the first day in school, which was pretty exciting. But we didn't really do anything. We got to our form rooms, listened to some people. Then we listened to some other people. THen we could go to the 6th form annex for some coffee and stuff. I spillt coffee all over myself, Emily, Emily and the floor. So I smell coffee now. Good first inpression! Apperently we have thursday and friday off. So another 4 days of no school. But on monday the lessons will start as per usual. Every other wednesday I have like 3 periods off and some of them is by lunch. So I have like 4 hours of nothing but studying in school then.
But I have chosen 4 subjects. Drama, Mats, Biology and Music. The time table is really weird if you compare to Sweden, so I'll explain it another time. Apperently, 6th form is really hard. But I hope I'll make it. I'm going for an introduction at the gym by 5.30 today, then it's nothing else planned.
But I met some new people today, so it was nice. Other than that, I don't have anything else to tell you.
Yesterday I met some new people. The day started with that Nathalie my neighbour and I went for a walk around Driff. We ended up on the big street and my hostmothers coffeeshop. After that, we went to boots to buy some things, then we just walked in and out of the stores. We went to the coffeeshop again to eat some lunch, then we just went home. I was home for about 30 min, then I got a message on facebook from Emily. She's also going to sixth form and was at the café with Dawn. So Dawn went to get me and then me, Emily and Emily walked around a bit. After that Dawn and I went to the big sports centre and got me a membership. I was about to meet up with Emily and Josh by 8.15 yesterday evening. That ment that I was going to walk a bit on my own for the first time. The results of that, well I was lost. But eventually we found each other. So we worked out a bit and then it was time to get home. They followed me to my house so I wouldn't be alone. But I didn't really know the way, so we were lost. It's a good thing that Google Maps exists. But it was really nice to meet some people before school starts, so I won't be alone.
Today, my hostmother and I, we are going to Beverly and another place which I can't remember the name on. Need to buy 3 more folders, so I have one for each subject. School starts tomorrow!
This cat is actually a dog.
Then it was some "I'm lost and scared" photos.
See you.
When I left this Wednesday, I was leaving for the London Camp and not my host family. So when I arrived we had to wait for some other people. Then we switched terminals and met up with some people from Into. We were droven in a minibus to the hostel that we were staying at. And then, we waited. We waited for other students, we waited for food, we waited for everything. Thursday was a bit more intresting. We had breakfast at 8, then we left in differen coaches to a boat ride along the Thames. Then we arrived to Greenwich with the boat about 45 minutes later. Then we took the bus to Camden Town. I bought a couple of things there.
- Lee denim jacket
- Sunglasses
- Yellow raincoat
- Schampoo, conditioner and toothpaste
- A bronzer
- 2 pairs of Superga
Then we went to the hostel again for dinner. Nothing special happend that night, spent some time with Karen form Denmark.
Then on friday we left after breakfast for Big Ben. We walked from there to Westminster Abbey, through the gardens and then to Buckingham Palace. It as the changing of guards, so it was really cool. Then we went to the London Eye. I'm a bit scared of heights, so it was quite scary. Then it was time for Oxford street. I didn't by that much there, because I didn't know how I would be able to carry all my things.
- Underwear
- 2 t-shirts
- Makeup things
- Training stuff
- Sweat pants
- A long, black, blazer
- Pyjamas
- Hogwarts shirt
Then at saturday we left by 8.45 to Kings Kross station. Our train left at 11.35 so we had to wait for like 2 hours. We had to switch trains in Doncaster so we could transfer to Driffield. We only had 7 minutes between the transfer so we missed it. Had to wait for another 45 minutes. But then we finally arrived! Our hostfamilies were there, Sue our local rep was there and it was a big hugparty going on.
I will tell you about my days in Driffield as soon as I can. But I have to get up and shower, then I will take a walk and see if I can find my way around. Then I will go to my hostmothers Café, take a cup of tea maybe. See you soon.

My favorite Dutch girls

Pink taxi!!

Bought a vintage lee denim jacket and cool sunglasses.

I can't live in a suitcase.

Big benbenben

Westminster abbey

Changing of the guards at buckingham.

My favorite Norwegian. Well, one of my favorites.

I actually bought the yellow raincoat.

Kings Kross! Sat just by platform 9 3/4
Train ticket

We missed our train in Doncaster. Had to wait for a while.


My lovely room

The cat who acts like a dog

Some pictures of bridlington

Some pictures from my first days. I will write more of the days in London and my first days in driffield tomorrow or the day after that. Loving it here!

Idag åker jag. Jag är just nu påväg till flygplatsen med mamma, Sanna och Emma i bilen. Flyget går vid 11.15, så det är tre timmar kvar. Nervositeten börjar komma. Jag har alldeles för mycket övervikt i väskan och jag har ingen aning om hur jag ska orka bära allting. Nästa gång jag skriver här lär jag vara i London. Hejsvejs.
I fredags myste jag till det med en liten avskedsmiddag för alla mina fina vänner. Stod och lagade mat hela dagen, umgicks och åt på kvällen. Fick lite fina presenter och gosiga kramar. Himla lycka kväll var det. Imorgon är det två veckor tills jag åker, var iväg och köpte lite nödvändigheter igår. Har även införskaffat mig två adaptrar. Imorgon ska jag fixa present till värdfamiljen hade jag tänkt. Dagen med stort D börjar närma sig med stormsteg. Vill åka nu.

Idag är det 24 dagar tills planet bär av till London, nästa vecka är min lilla avskedsmiddag för alla mina vänner sedan den 23 är det för släkten. Förra veckan fick jag hem schemat för det lilla campet vi ska ha i London innan vi åker till våra värdfamiljer. Jag tänkte skriva ner vad som händer under dagarna, för att jag inte har så mycket annat att skriva om pga. jobb.
Day 1: Arrival. Check in, indroductions, dinner, trip to the Thames, walk along the bank; Big Ben etc.
Day 2: 3 hour sightseeing by bus: St. Paul's Buckingham palace, Madame Tussauds. Shopping in Covent Garden, Camden Town or Oxford Circus. Speakers' Corner. Free time.
Day 3: London Eye, boat trip to Greenwich, free time.
Day 4: Breakfast, free time, departure.
Det kommer sedan vara information om schemat varje morgon vid frukost om det är några ändringar. Vi kommer även diskutera en del viktiga saker som kan komma upp. Men det ska vara himla kul att få lite fritid också, mycket tid att lära känna folk. Knappt någon tid kvar, nu är vi inne på Augusti, samma månad. Snart kommer Fred. Ha en fin söndag.
Bästa intogänget. Anaïs är i Australien nu, sjukt vad tiden går fort.
Jag har äntligen fått mina flygbiljetter! Jag lyfter från svensk mark klockan 11.15 den 27 augusti. Landar i London 12.20. Det är inte alls lång tid kvar. 38 dagar.
Det har inte hänt så mycket i mitt lilla liv sedan sist gång. Jag har bara jobbat. Det blir inte många lediga dagar dem här veckorna. Har även börjat testpacka, var på Ikea och köpte zippåsar. Rullar i kläderna och tar ut all luft, tar inte alls mycket plats då. Imed att jag är optimistpackaren nummer 1, så vill jag försöka få ordning på det hela så smidigt som möjligt. Därför är det bra att börja i tid. Ska även börja skriva en lista på vad jag ska köpa i London när jag är där.
En rolig nyhet är att jag kommer nästan bo granne med en tjej som heter Britt från Nederländerna. Hon är lika gammal som mig, så vi kommer ha följe till skolan också. Nu räknar jag nästan ner timmarna. Är även väldigt ledsen för bristen på uppdatering här dom senaste veckorna, men jobbet tar all tid.
Nu ska jag försöka sova, ska upp halv 6 imorgon för att jobba.
Finally, I got my flighttickets! My flight leaves at 11.15 the 27th of august. It lands in London 12.20. Barely any time left at all. 38 days.
Nothing much have happend since last time. I've just been working. It isn't that many days that I'm free these weeks. I've also started to testpack. I was at Ikea and bought zipbags. I roll the clothes and take out all the air, I can pack more and it takes less space. I'm the optimistpacker number 1, so I want to have everything under control. That's why it's good to start packing in time. I'm also going to start writing a list on things I want to buy in London.
Other good news, I'm going to be almost-neighbour with a girl named Britt from the Netherlands. She's just as old as me, so we will go to school together. I'm almost counting down the hours now, I'm so excited.
I'm also very sorry for the lack of updates these past few weeks, but work have been taking all my time. But now I'm going to try to get some sleep. I start work at 6.30 tomorrow morning so I need to get up by 5.30. Goodnight.
Hej alla utbytesstudenter som läser min blogg! Jag har en fråga till alla er. Resväskor. Vart hittar man stora, lätta och billiga resväskor? Kram!
It's only 60 days left until I leave, for some it's just 30 or less. It's quite funny to see everyone in the facebook-group that panics over their visas, and I don't have to worry about it. It's really calming, to not have something like that to worry about. Gotta love England. I've been talking a bit with Natalie that's going to be my future neighbour. It feels really nice to have someone to talk to, who lives there. It's going to be so many new faces to see, so many new people to know.
This is just an unnecessary post so you can know that it's only 60 days until I leave. Yeah bye.
Here's some late pictures from our graduation. It was a great day, really sad, but great. I'm really sorry for the lack of update, but ever since graduation I've been busy with One Direction, sleeping and being in Barcelona. But now I'm home and ready for work. I had my first day at my summerschedule yesterday with my new clothes. We have to wear a tie. But it was nice to talk a bit with Simon, working with Anthon today. Working tomorrow as well and I'm free on Monday, so it's really nice.
Something stuck onto her shoe.
They tried to write something...
We just left it there.
Emem is killing it.
The crew hung out afterwards. They are kind of cool.

This was the best ice cream I've ever eaten. Just so you know.

I will love this dog forever.

My fav
Igår hade vi avslutningsmiddag för alla nior i skolan. Vi möttes upp, tog lite kort, kollade på bildspel och pratade massa. Vi fick en liten överraskning och fick middag på Harrys istället för i skolan. Har aldrig hänt innan och kommer troligen inte hända igen, men det var himla roligt. Trevligt sällskap och god mat kan ju inte bli så dåligt.
Efter middagen var vi ett gäng som stack till Augusts båt för att prata en massa, himla trevligt.
My sov hos mig, så hade vi sovmorgon idag till klockan 10. Gick upp halv 10, så det var lite skönt. Vi städade lite snabbt i skolan, sedan stack jag, Sanna, Moa, Emily, August och Fred för att käka på torget. Himla mysigt faktiskt. Vi gick och köpte körsbär efterråt, så när alla andra spelade brännboll åt vi det och kollade på istället. Vi fick sluta lite tidigare, så samma gäng plus My Källström och My gick till bryggan på torget där vi doppade fötterna i vattnet lite gosigt. Vi blev lite badsugna, så varför inte gå och bada? Jag badade idag, badade inte en ända gång på hela förra sommaren. Så det var ju lite galet.
Imorgon är det skolavslutning, vilket är lite ledsamt. Ska vara i skolan vid 10-tiden, efter ska jag ha lite jordgubbsfika med hela släkten. På kvällen ska vi till Fred, ha lite grillknytkalas sedan gå till en badplats. Klockan 05.55 rullar tåget till Stockholm på torsdag morgon, så åker hemifrån kvart i fem, vi kommer vara pigga gånger 7.
Det ajr vart en så himla bra dag idag, imorgon kommer bli en ledsen och glad dag, veckan kommer vara bra.
Yesterday it was the graduating dinner for all the 9th-graders in our school. We met up, some pictures, watched some pictures and talked. We got a little big of a suprise for us when they told us we were going to Harrys (it's like a pub/bar/restaurant) instead of eating in the school. It have never happend before and it never will again, so it was quite special. Nice company and good food can't end up bad. After the dinner a few of us went to Augusts boat and just hung out.
My slept at my place, school didn't start until 10am today, so we could sleep in. In school we just cleaned up our classroom then we sat and talked for a bit. Then me, Sanna, Moa, Emily, August and Fred went to Torget to eat something. After that we went to buy cherries, so when everyone was playing softball (don't know the swedish word for brännboll, but it's like burnball if you translate it directly...) School ended earlier, so the same people as before and My Källström and My, we went to the dock and sat there for a bit. It was really hot, so a couple of us went to the beach. I swam in the ocean today, I didn't do it last year once (here in Sweden). So that was something crazy.
Tomorrow it's graduation, which is sad. We will be at school by 10am, afterwards I will have some strawberryfika with my whole family. Later we're some people who is going to Fred's house to have a little BBQ and then go to a bathing place.
5.55am is the time that the train to Stockholm leaves on Thursday morning, we're leaving my place at 4.45. We will be alive twice 7.
Today was such a good day, tomorrow will be a happy and a sad day, the week will be good.
All my lovely friends, I don't want to leave you for forever.
Have a nice day, SUMMERBREAK IS SOON.
Det har gått några dagar, har inte haft något jätteviktigt att berätta. MEN, igår kom min flyg t-shirt hem! Skulle precis iväg på studentmottagning hos Fanny när Christian kom in med paketet. Det kom även med två bagagetags som kan vara nödvändiga. T-shirten är då meningen att man ska ha på sig på planet för att det sedan kan vara lättare att hitta varandra på flygplatsen. (Vilket är lite lugnande...)
Tröjan med framsida och respektive baksida. Kanske inte är intressant gånger 23.
Mina bagagetags. Kan säga att dom hjälper till väldigt mycket när väskan är kvar i Finland.
Något som är helt galet är att det endast är 82 dagar kvar tills jag åker. 18 dagar sedan det var 100, vilket kändes som igår. Om en vecka är jag inne på friends arena för att kolla på One Direction dag 1. Om en vecka har jag haft sommarlov i två dagar. Om en vecka så är det 6 dagar kvar tills jag åker till Barcelona med pappa. Sedan är det bara jobb, sedan åker jag. Det känns lite småkonstigt att jag skrivit det X antal gånger nu, "Bara en termin kvar, sedan en sommar full av jobb sedan åker jag." Men nu är det på riktigt, det är ingen termin kvar, det är inte "lite skola" kvar. Det är bara sommaren, sedan åker jag. Jag tror inte jag fått in det i huvudet riktigt än.
För övrigt har jag haft det riktigt tråkigt idag. Skulle egentligen in till stan för att äta picnic med morfar och Bitte, men vädret tillät tyvärr inte det. Men jag har fått gjort en liten teckning som gör så att jag får bättre betyg i bild, vilket är himla skönt. Så inga fler skolarbeten för hela grundskolan nu.
Not swedish, if you didn't notice.
It’s been a couple of days now, but I haven’t had something really important to write about. BUT, yesterday my flight-shirt came home! I was just about to leave to Fanny for her graduation reception when Christian came in with the package. It was also two luggage-tags with the shirt, they can be kind of necessary. It’s the t-shirt that I’m going to wear on the flight to London and at the airport so it’s easier to find all the other students who is traveling with Into. (Which is kind of calming.
You can see the pictures further up. If you didn't notice.
Something that is absolutely crazy, is that it’s only 82 days until I leave. It was 18 days ago that it was 100 days left, which felt like yesterday. In a week I’m at Friends arena to watch One Direction day 1 with Sanna and Jessica. In a week I’ve had summervacation for 2 days. In a week it’s only 6 days until dad and I are going to Barcelona. Then it’s just work and then I leave. It feels a bit weird when I’ve written about a 100 times that “It’s only one term left of school, then a summer full of work and then I leave”. But now it’s real, now it isn’t one term left, it’s not “a little school” left. It’s just the summer, then I leave. I don’t think I’ve realized it yet.
Other than that, today have been a really boring day. I was about to go to Gothenburg to have a picnic with my grandfather and Bitte, but the weather wasn’t on our side. But I’ve made a drawing, which can improve my grade in art. No more schoolprojects. I’m done with comprehensive school now.
Our last french lesson together, kind of sad. But we had FIKA.
Have a nice day pals.
The past few days has been absolutley full. Firstly, my bag was left in Finland for a day. So I didn't get it until seven on friday night. We went to Kitzbhüel before lunch, looked around a bit. They have the worlds most famous and hardest downhill slope there. We took a coffee and looked at some cool buildings. On the afternoon we went to Lofer, my aunt has some friends there that owns a whole skiresort or something, so we was in one of the lifts there, it was huge and it was scary to climb up of the ladder. Before that, I ate some pizza, it was good. Then we went home and didn't do anything important, but my bag came. The funny thing is that 5 minutes before my bag showed up, I was on the phone with my mum crying because I wanted it.
Yesterday the christening held place. I've never been to a catholic church before, so that was something new. It had lots of paintings and stuff, really beautiful. The christening was in Waidring, where my aunts boyfriend is born. After the christening but before the dinner with many Austrian people, we went to St. Johan and bought some souvenirs. We ate ice-cream, and I'm not joking when I say it was the best thing I've ever eaten (except the melon). The dinner was nice. Didn't understand what anyone said because everyone was speaking german, I was scared. But I made some Austrian friends on facebook, so that's positive.
I was up by 6am today, dad drove me to Munich where my flight left at 10.30. I've been in Helsinki since 1pm and I'm about to board in 30 minutes. It's been really boring, but there's free wifi, which saved me a bit. Right now I just want to go home and sleep and not go to school tomorrow... But in the morning, I have an interview witha a school that I want to attend to after England, so let's hope for the best. I have to go back to school after that, then I'm free on friday because of the nationalday. Next monday is the dinner for all the people in our year. Like a good-bye-dinner. Then we graduate on wednesday and then on friday iT'S ONE DIRECTION. On saturday it'S ONE DIRECTION, AGAIN. Then apperently, my dad and I, we're going on a trip by ourselves, And it's going to be the week after that. Then it's just work and then ENGLAND. It's 87 days left, less than 3 months, it's crazy.
Now I'm going to keep sitting here and then go on the plane and then come home and hope my bag is with the plane this time.
Home before I left. Also my new profile-picture on facebook.
My new shoes, they're already dirty.
In the car from Munich to Waidring.
You gottta have it, Best of Yodeling.
A bit of Kitzbhüel.
Some good stuff.
In the car-selfie.
In Lofer.
On a mountain, by a lake.
Lift-selfie with Alex!
Before the christening, you gotta be happy.
Church, if you didn't notice.
St. Johan.
My kickass ice-cream.
My kickass ice-cream and me.
Before dinner.
Cows on the road from Waidring to Muncih.
I have to board my flight now, bye!